Dear [Good to Grow Staff],

I wanted to thank you for your kind words about Donovan (and our family). We love him so much and would do anything for him. He brings so much joy and laughter into our lives. We’re so lucky; he’s loving, gentle, eager, smart, funny and kind! Being at school with you and his other wonderful teachers has truly changed his life (and ours). There’s no doubt our family has a happier, more fun and “quieter” life because of CDK. We appreciate everything you’ve done for him and can’t imagine what Donovan would be like without this past year.


The Labrucherie family


Dear [Good to Grow Staff],

I wanted to take a minute to thank you for all that you have done already, in only three weeks time, for my family. Herbie’s improvement from week to week has been staggering. I am simply amazed at how much of a positive impact your program has had on my son in such a short period of time. When he started Good to Grow, he was only making monosyllabic, random sounds. After his first week, he started making three syllable sounds that could be considered as babbling. After his second week, he was making five syllable babbles. He now has seven meaningful words in his vocabulary and chatters seemingly nonstop. His sleep is not only undisturbed, but he now even babbles joyfully, with laughter whilst asleep. He enjoys playing appropriately with his toys and seldom requests to watch TV. He has a newfound sense of purpose that allows him to comfortably engage more with his world and the people in it. Most of the information I had come across before your program really emphasized [another program] as the most effective route for this population of children. Having done [this other program], I want you to know that I have had more positive change come from your program than anything else. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for improving my son’s quality of life. You have a very special program and our community is blessed to have you in it.




Dear Chris and the “Good to Grow” staff],

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who are involved with the Good to Grow program at CDK. We have never seen such an organized, well-run program with such a compassionate, caring, dedicated, competent group of students, volunteers, aides and therapists. Our experience at Good to Grow has been the most positive one and we are truly grateful.  We believe that our Alex will grow up to be an intelligent, confident, happy, loving and caring young man who will do great things with his life – and we know that a big part of this will be because he was able to participate in this program.  Thank you again for all you’ve done for our precious child.

The Kim Family


Dear [Center for Developing Kids Staff],

As a mom of a child with special needs, I have always known of CDK’s stellar reputation.  In recent years, my daughter, Rachel, has received occupational therapy here, both in the clinic and with a CDK therapist at her school location.  Also, having had the opportunity to volunteer at CDK, I saw how diligently the therapists work to help children overcome obstacles, grow in independence, and attain self-help skills, which made me appreciate CDK even more.
