Our therapists have advanced training in pediatrics and provide intervention for diagnoses and disorders including but not limited to:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Prematurity
  • High Risk Infants
  • Developmental Delay
  • Neuromuscular Disorder
  • Sensory Integrative Dysfunction
  • Feeding/Oral Motor Difficulty
  • Speech and Language Delay
  • Genetic Disorders
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Disorders of Social Interaction and Communication

Services Offered


    Occupational therapy is aimed at improving a child’s development and ability to function effectively and independently within the family, community, and school. Primary treatment emphasis utilizes sensory integrative techniques, which expose a child to different types of sensory input through play to promote an appropriate response to their environment. Intervention also emphasizes neuromuscular techniques, which involve the movement of a child’s joints and muscles to help train the nervous system to respond appropriately to changes in position and posture. Our occupational therapists engage the child with exciting goal-directed gross and fine motor activities and play to improve the function of everyday activities.


    Physical therapy is directed at improving a child’s functional abilities and promoting overall health, wellness, and fitness. Intervention emphasis is on assessing and treating primary impairments (strength, balance, postural control, coordination, range of motion, posture, and endurance) in the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and cardiopulmonary systems and prevention of secondary impairments (structural deformities, joint contractures, and impaired fitness levels) related to movement dysfunction. Individualized therapeutic exercises are implemented through play using neuro-developmental, sensory integrative, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, and motor learning approaches.


    Speech therapy is aimed at improving a child’s communication and oral-motor skills, both verbally and non-verbally, based on his or her age, needs and ability. Treatment emphasis is on interactive communication within the child’s environment. Our speech therapists work with the child to eliminate or modify the factors that are hindering the child from communicating with others.

With all the services above, information is exchanged with the family to integrate interventions into everyday activities. If a child is seeing therapists across these different disciplines, the therapists collaborate to give the child the most effective treatment possible.